36th Sitting of the Senate
4th Session - 10th Republican Parliament
The Vice President of the Senate announced that Sen. the Hon. Timothy Hamel-Smith was currently acting as President of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. The Vice-President of the Senate then read a letter from the H. E. President of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago appointing Ms. Ashaki Scott and Ms. Keitha Smith as temporary Senators. They then took the Oath of Allegiance.
The Minister of Finance and the Economy presented the Report of the Joint Select Committee appointed to consider and report on the Insurance (No. 2) Bill, 2013.
Three Questions qualified for Oral Answer. Questions no. 87 was answered. Questions nos. 91 and 104 were deferred to July 23rd, 2014. See the Order Paper.
The Minister of Food Production made a statement on the status of Trinidad and Tobago’s growing Food Production Sector.
The Minister of Justice moved the second reading of the Miscellaneous Provisions (Prisons) Bill, 2014. The Leader of Opposition Business in the Senate was the first to join the debate followed by Sen. Helen Drayton, Sen. Faris Al-Rawi, Sen. Dr. Victor Wheeler and Senator Diane Baldeo-Chadeesingh. 12 Senators made contributions before the Minister of Justice rose to conclude. Debate on the Bill was then suspended.
The Minister of Housing and Urban Development moved the second reading of the Land Tenants (Security of Tenure)(Amendment) Bill, 2014. Sen. Faris Al-Rawi was first to enter the debate, followed by Sen. Anthony Vieira, Sen Avinash Singh, Sen. Elton Prescott SC, Sen. Diane Baldeo-Chadeesingh and Sen. Dhanayshar Mahabir. The Minister of Housing and Urban Development then rose to conclude. Debate on the Bill was suspended.
The Senate Adjourned to July 23rd, 2014 at 10:30 a.m. to continue debate on the Miscellaneous Provisions (Prisons) Bill 2014, the Indictable Offences (Committal Proceedings) Bill 2014, the Motion to consider the House Amendments to the Securities (Amendment) Bill 2014 and to continue debate on the Land Tenants (Security of Tenure)(Amendment)Bill 2014.