36th Sitting of the House of Representatives
2nd Session - 9th Republican Parliament
The Speaker granted Leave of Absence to the Member for Laventille East/Morvant (1-12 October), D’Abadie/O’Meara, Arima (1-12 October), Caroni East (6-15 October) and Couva South (9-30 October).
The Commission of Enquiry (Validation and Immunity from Proceedings) Bill, 2009, which was passed in the Senate on October 1, 2009 was read a first time in the House. The Bill is in the name of the Attorney General.
10 papers were laid, seven in the name of the Minister of Finance, two in the name of the Minister of Tourism and one in the name of the Minister of Education
1 question qualified for oral answer. See Order Paper.
12 Questions qualify for written answer. The Leader of the House indicated that responses to three questions would be circulated. See Appendix I in the Order Paper for details.
The Member for Siparia raised as a matter of Privilege, statements made by the Honourable Attorney General in the House of Representatives on 14 September 2009. In raising the matter, the Member for Siparia asked that the Speaker recuse himself from determining it. The Speaker ruled on the Privilege Motion and the matter was not referred to the Committee of Privileges.
The Speaker put the Question that the Bill be read a first time.
The Leader of the House moved a Motion to consider Senate amendments to the Proceeds of Crime (Amendment) Bill, 2009. The amendments were approved.
The Leader of the House moved that Senate amendments to the Financial Intelligence Unit of Trinidad and Tobago Bill, 2009 be adopted. The Motion was approved and the amendments adopted.
The Minister of Science, Technology and Tertiary Education moved a Motion to adopt the First Interim Report of the Special Select Committee of the House on the Status of Children (Amendment) Bill, 2009.
The Member for Oropouche East raised as a Matter on the Adjournment of the House, :the failure of the Ministry of Education and its related agencies to begin construction of the Monkey Town Government Primary School as per the commitment of the Ministry of Education in the Parliament.” The Minister of Education responded.
At its next sitting the House will consider a Motion to acquire land for a public purpose.