House of Representatives


34th Sitting of the House of Representatives

2nd Session - 9th Republican Parliament

Wednesday 16 September, 2009
10:00 AM
4 Papers

Four papers were laid all in the name of the Minister of Finance.

Government Business: Bills Second Reading
The Appropriation Bill, 2010

Debate resumed (from September 14, 2009) on The Appropriation (Financial Year 2010) Bill, 2009. The Minister of Finance responded to the contributions made by members. The debate went to committee stage. It was read a third time and passed with amendments.

Government Business: Motions
Provisional Collection of Taxes Order

The Minister of Finance raised four motions based on the rise in cost of taxes dealing with motor vehicles and import duties. All four motions were approved.

The House Adjourned To a date to be fixed

The House approved the four motions brought today and adjourns to a date to be fixed after the Senate debates the budget.