34th Sitting of the House of Representatives
2nd Session - 11th Republican Parliament
Leave of absence was granted to Hon. Stuart Young, MP for Port of Spain North/St. Ann’s West, Dr. Lackram Bodoe, MP for Fyzabad and Dr. Bhoendradatt Tewarie, MP for Caroni Central from today’s Sitting.
The House paid tribute to former Member of Parliament Rennie Dumas, who passed away on Sunday May 14, 2017. A minute of silence was observed.
Four reports will be presented. See Supplemental Order Paper for details.
Nine urgent questions were posed. Seven questions were answered before the time for urgent questions expired. See Order Paper for details.
Seven questions qualified for oral answer. See Order Paper for details.
The Member for Caroni East (Dr. Tim Gopeesingh, MP) sought leave to move the adjournment of the House on a definite matter of urgent public importance, namely, the endangerment of the health and lives of thousands of patients through the dispensation of inefficacious drugs through CDAP. The Speaker was not satisfied that this matter qualified under Standing Order 17.
The Leader of the House moved a motion to allow an extension of six weeks to the JSC – Gambling (Gaming and Betting) Control Bill, 2017, in order for the Committee to complete its work and submit a final report to the House by June 30, 2017. This motion was carried.
The Attorney General moved the second reading of The Bail (Access to Bail)(Amendment) Bill, 2017. The Leader of the Opposition was first to enter the debate, followed by the Minister of Public Utilities, the Member for St. Augustine and the Member for Oropouche West. Six Members made contributions before the Attorney General rose to wind up the debate. The Debate was then suspended.
The Member for Princes Town raised as a matter on the motion for the adjournment, the findings of two independent sets of testings on the wells of the steel structure of the Brian Lara stadium contained in the report of the CoE into the construction sector of Trinidad and Tobago. The Minister of Housing and Urban Development responded.
At the next sitting Private Business will take precedence (Motion 3 on today’s Order Paper). The Leader of the House indicated that Government Business would follow. The Sitting ended at 8:34 p.m.