33rd Sitting of the Senate
1st Session - 9th Republican Parliament
The Vice-President announced that the President of the Senate (Sen. the Hon. Danny Montano) was acting as President of the Republic. The Vice-President granted leave of absence to Senator the Honourable Martin Joseph, who is out of the country. Mr. Foster Cummings was appointed to replace Sen. Montano during his absence from the Senate. Mr. Joel Primus was appointed to replace Sen. Joseph during his absence from Trinidad and Tobago.
The Bill, which was passed in the House of Representatives on October 2, 2008, was read a first time in the Senate. The Minister in the Ministry of Finance moved that the next stage of the Bill be taken later in the proceedings. Leave was granted.
14 Papers, 12 in the name of the Minister in the Ministry of Finance and two in the name of the Minister of Local Government were laid. See the Order Paper and Supplemental Order Paper for details.
Three Questions qualify for written answer. See the Order Paper for details.
The Minister in the Ministry of Finance moved the Second Reading of the Appropriation Bill, 2009, which was passed in the House of Representatives on October 2, 2008.
At its next sitting, debate is expected to continue on the Appropriation Bill, 2009. The Senate adjourned at 7:40 p.m.