

33rd Sitting of the Senate

1st Session - 12th Republican Parliament

Wednesday 7 July, 2021
10:00 AM
Announcements By The President/Vice-President
Leave of absence

Leave of absence was granted to Sen. Evans Welch.

Sen. the Hon. Nigel de Freitas [President of the Senate]
Presentation Of Reports From Select Committees
Three Reports

Three reports were presented. See Order Paper for details.

Sen. Anthony Vieira SC [Independent Senator]
Sen. the Hon. Paula Gopee-Scoon [Minister of Trade and Industry]
Questions To Ministers: Oral Answer
Four Questions on Notice

Four questions qualified for oral answer.

Sen. Wade Mark [Opposition Senator]
Sen. the Hon. Rohan Sinanan [Minister of Works and Transport]
Hon. Terrence Deyalsingh, MP [Minister of Health]
Sen. the Hon. Clarence Rambharat [Minister of Agriculture, Land and Fisheries]
Motions Relating To The Business Or Sittings Of The House And Moved By A Minister Or Parliamentary Secretary
Bills carried over to the next Session

The Leader of Government Business, Sen. the Hon. Clarence Rambharat, moved the motion that the following bills be carried over to the next Session: The Shipping Bill, 2020, The Fisheries Management (No. 2) Bill, 2020, The Livestock and Livestock Products Board (Repeal) Bill, 2021 and The Foreign Labour Contracts (Repeal) Bill, 2021. The motion was approved.

Sen. the Hon. Clarence Rambharat [Minister of Agriculture, Land and Fisheries]
Committee Business: Motions
Adopt the Report of the Committee of Privileges

The Leader of Government Business, Sen. the Hon. Clarence Rambharat, moved a motion to adopt the report of the Committee of Privileges. Debate began on the motion. Twelve Senators contributed to the debate before the wind up by the Leader of Government Business. The motion was approved.

Sen. the Hon. Clarence Rambharat [Minister of Agriculture, Land and Fisheries]
Sen. Wade Mark [Opposition Senator]
Sen. Amrita Deonarine [Independent Senator]
Sen. Anthony Vieira SC [Independent Senator]
Sen. Dr. Paul Richards [Independent Senator]
Sen. the Hon. Renuka Sagramsingh-Sooklal [Minister in the Office of the Attorney General and Ministry of Legal Affairs]
Sen. Renuka Rambhajan [Opposition Senator (Temporary)]
Sen. Jayanti Lutchmedial-Ramdial [Opposition Senator]
Sen. the Hon. Randall Mitchell [Minister of Tourism, Culture and the Arts]
Sen. Damian Lyder [Opposition Senator]
Sen. Jearlean John [Opposition Senator]
Sen. Yokymma Bethelmy [Government Senator (Temporary)]
Sen. David Nakhid [Opposition Senator]
Government Business: Bills Second Reading
The Quarantine (Amendment) Bill, 2021

The Attorney General, Hon. Faris Al-Rawi, MP, will move the second reading of The Quarantine (Amendment) Bill, 2021. Two opposition senators contributed to the debate before the wind up of the debate. The bill was committed to the Committee of the Whole for consideration and approved without amendments. The bill was read a third time and passed.

Hon. Faris Al-Rawi SC, MP [Minister of Rural Development and Local Government]
Sen. Jayanti Lutchmedial-Ramdial [Opposition Senator]
Sen. Wade Mark [Opposition Senator]
Government Business: Bills Second Reading
The Miscellaneous Provisions (Special Reserve Police and Police Complaints Authority) Bill, 2020

Debate resumed on The Miscellaneous Provisions (Special Reserve Police and Police Complaints Authority) Bill, 2020. The Attorney General, Hon. Faris Al-Rawi, MP, wound up the debate. The bill was committed to a Committee of the Whole for consideration clause by clause. Amendments were made. The bill was read a third time and passed.

Sen. Wade Mark [Opposition Senator]
Sen. Dr. Varma Deyalsingh [Independent Senator]
Sen. Anthony Vieira SC [Independent Senator]
Sen. Hazel Thompson-Ahye [Independent Senator]
Sen. Jayanti Lutchmedial-Ramdial [Opposition Senator]
Sen. David Nakhid [Opposition Senator]
Sen. Dr. Paul Richards [Independent Senator]
Sen. Renuka Rambhajan [Opposition Senator (Temporary)]
Hon. Faris Al-Rawi SC, MP [Minister of Rural Development and Local Government]
The Senate adjourned to a date to be fixed

The Sitting concluded at 7:52 p.m.