33rd Sitting of the House of Representatives
4th Session - 10th Republican Parliament
Leave of absence was granted to the Member for Laventille East who is out of the country and asked to be excused from the House for the period of June 16th – July 9th, 2014.
The Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Property Bill, 2014 was brought from the Senate and introduced in the name of the Minister of Planning and Sustainable Development.
The Leader of the House laid the Report on the Management of the Activities Financed by the Green Fund for the financial year ended September 30, 2013 on behalf of the Minister of the Environment and Water Resources and the Petroleum (Royalties) (Onshore Crude Oil) (Revocation) Regulations, 2014 on behalf of the Minister of Energy and Energy Affairs.
Questions nos. 137, 139, 140, 145, 146, 147 and 143 were answered. All other questions were deferred for a period of two weeks.
Question No. 56 for written answer was circulated.
Debate on the Miscellaneous Provisions (Administration of Justice) Bill, 2014 which was in progress on June 13 2014 was resumed. The Attorney General continued his wind up of the bill. The House then resolved itself to Committee Stage where the Bill was considered clause by clause. The Bill as amended was then reported to the House before it was read a third time and passed with a division of 25 voting For, 5 voting Against and 1 Abstaining
Debate on the Purchase of Certain Rights (HCU) Bill, 2014 which was in progress on May 28 2014 was resumed. The Minister of Finance and the Economy concluded his wind up of the Bill. The House then resolved itself to Committee Stage where the Bill was considered clause by clause. The Bill as amended was then reported to the House before it was read a third time and passed by a division of 35 members voting For, 0 members voting Against and 0 members Abstaining.
Debate on the Motor Vehicles and Road Traffic (Amendment) Bill, 2014 which was in progress on April 11th, 2014 was resumed. The Minister of Transport concluded his wind up of the Bill. The House then resolved itself to Committee Stage where the Bill was considered clause by clause. The Bill as amended was then reported to the House before it was read a third time and passed via a Special Majority, with 34 voting For, 0 voting Against and 0 Abstentions.
Debate on the Land Tenants (Security of Tenure)(Amendment) Bill, 2014 which was in progress on Friday May 9th was resumed. The Minister of Housing and Urban Development concluded his wind up of the Bill. The House then resolved itself to Committee Stage where the Bill was considered clause by clause. The Bill was then read a third time and passed without Amendments by a Special Majority. 35 members voted For, 0 members voted Against and 0 members Abstained.
Debate on the Second Reading of the Miscellaneous Provisions (Prisons) Bill, 2014 which was adjourned on Friday June 13, 2014 was resumed. The Member for St. Joseph was the first to contribute followed by the Member for La Horquetta/Talparo, the Member for Port-of-Spain North/St. Ann’s West and the Member for Moruga/Tableland. The Member for Diego Martin North/ East then rose to give his remarks before the Minister of Justice responded. The Minister of Justice then moved that the House resolve itself to Committee Stage to consider the Bill clause by clause. The Motion was put and agreed to. The Bill was then considered in Committee and passed without amendments. The Minister of Justice then moved that the Bill be read a third time and passed. The motion was put and agreed to. The Bill was then read a third time and passed by a division of members voting 26 For,7 members voting Against and 0 Abstaining.
The Order of Business is consideration of the Finance (Supplementation and Variation of Appropriation) (Financial Year 2014) Bill, 2014. Before Adjourning the Speaker called on members of the House to give greetings for Labour Day and Corpus Christi. The Member for Pointe-a-Pierre was the first to give greetings, followed by several others including the Member for. St. Joseph and the Member for Port-of-Spain North/St. Ann’s West. The Speaker of the House then gave his own greetings before adjourning to Wednesday 25th June, 2014 at 1:30 p.m.