33rd Sitting of the House of Representatives
2nd Session - 9th Republican Parliament
The Speaker granted leave of Absence to the Members for Tobago West, Tabaquite for the period September 14- 15, Couva South for the period September 14-18.
One paper was laid The Administrative Report of the Chaguanas Borough Corporation for the period 2006/2007, in the name of the Minister of Works and Transport.
Thirteen Questions qualify for written answer. See Appendix I in the Order Paper for details.
Debate resumed (from September 11, 2009) on The Appropriation (Financial Year 2010) Bill, 2009. The Opposition Chief Whip was the first member to speak. Fourteen members the Minister of Health and the Minister of Energy made their contributions to the debate on the Bill.
At its next sitting the House will conclude the debate on The Appropriation (Financial Year 2010) Bill, 2009.