32nd Sitting of the House of Representatives
2nd Session - 9th Republican Parliament
The Speaker extended condolences to the former President Mr. A.N.R. Robinson and his family on the passing of Mrs. Patricia Robinson.
Three papers were laid 1 in the name of the Minister of Works and Transport and 2 in the name of the Minister of Finance.
Three Questions qualify for oral answer. These questions were deffered to a later time in the sitting.
Thirteen Questions qualify for written answer. See Appendix I in the Order Paper for details.
The Attorney General made a statement on the legality of the Commission of Enquiry.
Debate resumed (from September 7, 2009) on The Appropriation (Financial Year 2010) Bill, 2009. The Leader of the Opposition was the first of 11 members to speak.
At its next sitting the House will continue the debate on The Appropriation (Financial Year 2010) Bill, 2009.