31st Sitting of the Senate
1st Session - 9th Republican Parliament
The Leader of Government Business announced that due to the Opening of the Law Term the sitting of the Senate would be suspended until 1:30 p.m. The Vice-President put the Question and the Senate agreed. The sitting was suspended.
The Vice-President of the Senate granted leave of absence to Sen. the Hon. Danny Montano and Sen. Michael Annisette (out of the country) and to Sen. Dr. Jennifer Kernahan (illness). Mr. Foster Cummings, Ms. Althea Rocke and Ms. Lyndira Oudit were appointed to replace Senators Montano, Annisette and Kernahan respectively.
The Vice-President read correspondence from the Speaker of the House indicating the decision of the House of Representatives to appoint six members to each of three oversight Joint Select Committees.
Nine Questions qualify for oral answer. Four Questions (94, 95, 96, 101) were answered and the remaining questions deferred. See the Order Paper for details.
Five Questions qualify for written answer. See the Order Paper for details.
The Attorney General moved the Second Reading of the Bail (Amendment) Bill, 2008, which was passed in the House of Representatives on 18 July 2008. In all thirteen Senators made contributions (including the maiden contribution of Temporary Opposition Senator Lyndira Oudit) before the Attorney-General began to wind up the debate. The Bill was passed with one amendment to include a sunset clause.
Debate resumed (from September 9, 2008) on a Private Motion by Senator Wade Mark which asks the Senate to annnul the Regional Health Authorities (Conduct) Regulations, 2008 with Sen. Mohammed Faisal Rahman continuing his contribution. He was followed by the mover of the motion and the Minister of Health. The Motion was defeated.
At its next sitting the Senate will consider a Supplementary Appropriation Bill.