31st Sitting of the House of Representatives
3rd Session - 10th Republican Parliament
Tuesday 21 May, 2013
1:30 PM
Announcements By The Speaker/Deputy Speaker
Leave of Absence
Four Papers
Four Papers were laid. See the Order Paper.
Private Business: Motions
Loss of Confidence in the Prime Minister and Government of Trinidad and Tobago
Debate continued on a Private Motion by the leader of the Opposition asking the House to express its loss of confidence in the Prime Minister and Government of Trinidad and Tobago. The Minister of Housing, Land and Marine Affairs was first to enter the debate, followed by the Minister of Legal Affairs, the Member for St. Joseph and the Member for La Brea. 11 Members made contributions before debate on the Motion was suspended.
The House adjourned to Wednesday May 22, 2013 at 11 a.m.
At the next sitting debate is expected to continue on the Private Motion of no confidence.