30th Sitting of the House of Representatives
4th Session - 10th Republican Parliament
Leave of absence was granted to the Member of Couva South who is out of the country from May 26th – May 30th, 2014. The Members for Port-of-Spain North/St. Ann’s West, San Fernando East and Princes Town also asked to be excused from today’s sitting. The Leave which the members sought was granted. The Speaker also granted leave to the Member for Caroni Central who is out of the country for the period of May 25th – June 2nd 2014.
The Leader of the House presented the Interim Report of the Joint Select Committee on the Legislative Proposal entitled, “The Draft Houses of Parliament Service Authority Bill, 2014. The Member for Chaguanas East then presented the Third Interim Report of the Joint Select Committee on the Insurance (No. 2) Bill, 2013
The Leader of the House moved that the Interim Report of the Joint Select Committee on the Legislative Proposal entitled, “The Draft Houses of Parliament Service Authority Bill, 2014 be granted an extension of two months in order to submit a final report. The Motion was put and agreed to.
The Minister of Finance and the Economy moved the second reading of the Purchase of Certain Rights (HCU) Bill, 2014. The Member for St. Joseph was the first to contribute followed by the Member for Tabaquite, the Member for Diego Martin North/East and the Leader of the House. The Minister of Finance and the Economy then rose to respond to the contributions of the previous Members and to wind up the debate.
Before Adjourning, the Speaker of the House opened way for Members to pay tribute to the 169th Anniversary of the Arrival of the East Indians to Trinidad and Tobago. The Prime Minister then rose to pay tribute to the national observance followed by the Member for St. Joseph. The Speaker of the House then paid tribute to Indian Arrival Day. The House adjourned to Friday June 6th, 2014 at 1:30 p.m., where it is the intention to consider the Indictable Offences (Committal Proceedings) Bill, 2014