30th Sitting of the House of Representatives
2nd Session - 9th Republican Parliament
The Speaker granted leave of Absence from today’s sitting to the Members for Fyzabad and Couva South
The Speaker of the House made a ruling on the Privilege Matter raised by the Minister of Public Administration on July 22 2009, on statements made in the House by the Member for Caroni East on July 17, 2009. The Speaker advised that the issue will be referred to the Committee of Privileges.
17 papers were laid in the name of the Minister of Finance, 1 in the name of the Minister of National Security, 2 in the name of the Minister of Social Development, 3 in the name of the Minister of Local Government, 2 in the name of the Minister of Health,9 in the name of the Minister of Works and Transport and 1 in the name of the Minster of Community Development, Culture and Gender Affairs
13 Questions qualify for oral answer. Five Questions were answered and the rest deferred.See Order Paper for details.
12 Questions also qualify for written answer. See Appendix I of the Order Paper.
The Member for Caroni Central raised a motion under Standing Order 21 of the House of Representatives on the withholding of Private Members Sitting for the last three months. The Speaker advised that the issue will be referred to Privileges Committee.
The Member for Caroni Central raised a motion requesting that a Tribunal be established to investigate the removal of the President of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago from office. It was indicated that 14 persons signed a petition in support of the request. The Speaker advised that the motion will be considered and a ruling will be made at a later date.
A Green Paper on the Draft National Policy on Gender and Development of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago.
This sitting adjourned on Friday September 4 at 2:45pm. The reading of the Budget will be the agenda for the next sitting.