30th Sitting of the House of Representatives
1st Session - 10th Republican Parliament
Five papers were laid. See the Order Paper.
Five Questions qualify for oral answer. All five questions were answered. See the Order Paper.
The Minister of Housing and the Environment made a statement on the Green Fund Regulations.
The Prime Minister made a statement responding to a contribution made by the MP for Diego Martin North/East on February 9, 2011 concerning British warships in the Caribbean.
The Member for Caroni East raised a matter of privilege concerning comments made by the MP for Diego Martin North/East during his contribution on February 9, 2011. The Speaker indicated that he would rule at a later time.
Debate resumed (from February 9, 2011) on the Electronic Transactions Bill, 2011. The Leader of the House was the first to contribute, followed by the Member for St. Ann’s East and the Minister of Foreign Affairs. Seven members made contributions over two days of debate. The Minister then rose to conclude. The Bill was considered in Committee and passed without amendment. It was then read a third time and passed.
The Committee Stage of the Data Protection Bill, 2011 resumed (from February 4, 2011). The Bill was considered and passed with amendments. It was then read a third time and passed.
At the next sitting, debate is expected to begin on the Constitution (Amendment)(Capital Offences) Bill, 2011.