

2nd Sitting of the Senate

1st Session - 11th Republican Parliament

Tuesday 20 October, 2015
10:00 AM
Announcements By The President/Vice-President
Leave of Absence

The President of the Senate granted leave of absence to Sen. Sophia Chote, SC and Sen. David Small who are both currently out of the country. Dr. Aysha B. Edwards and Mr Justin Junkere were appointed to temporarily replace Senators Sophia Chote and David Small during their absence.

Announcements By The President/Vice-President
Appointment of Committees

The President of the Senate named members of the various Sessional Select Committees.

Ten Papers

Ten papers were laid in the Senate. See the Order Paper for details.

Government Business: Bills Second Reading
The Appropriation (Financial Year - 2016) Bill, 2015.

The Minister of Finance moved the second reading of the Appropriation (Financial Year 2016) Bill, 2015.

The Senate adjourned to Wednesday October 21st 2015 at 10:00am

At the next sitting, debate will continue on the Appropriation (Financial Year 2016) Bill 2015.