2nd Sitting of the House of Representatives
1st Session - 12th Republican Parliament
The Speaker of the House informed of further changes and additional guidelines to be followed in the Chamber during this time.
The Speaker invited the House to pay tribute to former Parliamentarian, Mr. Fitzgerald Jeffrey, who passed away on September 19, 2020. A minute of silence was observed.
Tribute was also paid to former member of staff of the Parliament, Ms. Sheranne Samuel, who passed on September 27, 2020. Ms. Samuel served as Procedural Clerk Assistant. A minute of silence was observed.
Eighty papers were laid. See Order Papers for details.
The Leader of the House moved a motion that for the budget debate, the speaking time of the Minister of Finance and the first responder be unlimited and that all other members be allotted 45 minutes speaking time with no extensions. The motion was approved.
The Appropriation (Financial Year 2021) Bill, 2020 was introduced in the name of the Minister of Finance.
The Minister of Finance, Hon. Colm Imbert, MP, moved the second reading of the Appropriation (Financial Year 2021) Bill, 2020, presenting the budget for fiscal 2021. Debate on the budget will resume on Friday October 9, 2020 at 10:00 a.m.
The Sitting concluded at 5:33 p.m. The House adjourned to Friday October 9, 2020 at 10:00 a.m.