29th Sitting of the Senate
4th Session - 10th Republican Parliament
The Vice President of the Senate granted leave of absence to Sen. the Hon. Gary Griffith, Sen. the Hon. Raziah Ahmed, Sen. the Hon. Timothy Hamel-Smith, Sen. Dr. Lester Henry and Sen. Rev. Joy Abdul- Mohan who are all out of the country.
The Vice President then read a letter from the President of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago appointing Ms. Ashaki Scott, Mr. Larry Lalla, Arch. Barbara Burke, Mr. Foster Cummings and Dr. Sharon Legall as temporary Senators. They then took the Oath of Allegiance as temporary Senators for the day’s sitting.
The Annual Report on the Management of the Activities Financed by the Green Fund for the Financial Year ended September 30, 2013 was laid by the Member for Caroni East.
The Ninth Report of the Joint Select Committee on Ministries, Statutory Authorities and State Enterprises (Group 1) on the Administration and Operations of the Housing Development Corporation(HDC) was presented by Senator Elton Prescott, S.C.
Eight Questions qualified for oral answer. Questions nos. 81 and 103 were answered. Questions nos. 91, 69, 78, 87, 100 and 102 were deferred. See the Order Paper.
The Minister of Food Production made a Statement on the Agricultural Sector of Trinidad and Tobago.
The Leader of Government Business moved that the Senate consider Government Business instead of Private Business. The Motion was put and agreed to. Debate then resumed on the Motion to adopt the Report on the Special Select Committee of the Senate on the Planning and the Facilitation of Development Bill, 2013. The Minister of Planning and Sustainable Development resumed his windup on the Motion before the Senate resolved itself to Committee Stage. The Bill as amended was then reported to the Senate. The Bill was then read a third time and passed with Amendments.
The Committee Stage of the Nurses and Midwives Registration (Amendment) Bill, 2014 was resumed. The Senate then resolved itself into Committee Stage to consider the Bill clause by clause. The Bill as amended was then reported to the Senate. The Bill was then read a third time and passed with amendments.
The Leader of Government Business moved the second reading on both the Judges Salaries and Pensions (Amendment) Bill, 2013 and the Retiring Allowances (Legislative Service)(Amendment) Bill, 2014 since they are interrelated. The Motion was rejected. Sen. Camille Robinson-Regis was the first to make a contribution on the Judges Salaries and Pensions (Amendment) Bill, 2013 followed by Sen. Helen Drayton.
The Senate was adjourned to Tuesday 1st July at 10:30 a.m.