29th Sitting of the Senate
1st Session - 9th Republican Parliament
Four questions qualify for oral answer. See the Order Paper for details.
Nine Questions qualify for written answer. See the Order Paper for details.
The Minister of Education moved the Second Reading of the Pensions (Amendment) Bill, 2008. Nine Senators contributed to the Bill before the Minister concluded the debate. The Bill was considered in Committee and passed without amendments.
The Minister of Education moved the Second Reading of the Teaching Service (Compensation) Bill, 2008. Six Senators contributed to the debate on the Bill before the Minister began her wind-up. The Bill was then considered in Committee and passed with amendments.
The Minister of Social Development moved the second reading of the Children’s Community Residences, Foster Homes and Nurseries (Amendment) Bill, 2008. Three members made contributions before the Minister concluded the debate. The Bill was then considered in Committee and passed with amendments. The result of the division on third reading was 28 for and none against.
The Senate adjourned to a date to be fixed. Before adjourning Senator Wade Mark, Senator Subhas Ramkhelawan, Sen. the Hon. Conrad Enill and the President of the Senate extended greetings to the people of Trinidad and Tobago on the observance of Emancipation Day on August 1, 2008.