28th Sitting of the Senate
3rd Session - 11th Republican Parliament
Leave of absence was granted to Sen. Dr. Lester Henry, Sen. Avinash Singh and Sen. David Small, who are out of the country and to Sen. H.R. Ian Roach, who is ill. Mr. Garvin Simonette, Ms. Ayanna Lewis, Mr. Ronald Duke and Pastor Clive Pantin were appointed temporary Senators in their place.
Temporary Senators Simonette, Lewis, Duke and Dottin took the oath of allegiance.
The President of the Senate informed of correspondence received from the Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives regarding the establishment of a Joint Select Committee on the Trinidad and Tobago Revenue Authority Bill, 2018 and a Joint Select Committee to consider and report on the Income Tax (Amendment) Bill, 2018, the Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters Bill, 2018 and the Tax Information Exchange Agreements Bill, 2018.
Three Papers were laid. See Order Paper for details.
Two urgent questions were posed.
Five Questions qualified for oral answer. Questions #135 and #136 were deferred for two weeks.
The Attorney General moved a motion to approve the Administration of Justice (Deoxyribonucleic Acid) Regulations, 2018. Debate began on the motion. The motion was approved.