28th Sitting of the Senate
2nd Session - 12th Republican Parliament
The Vice-President advised that the President of the Senate was out of the country. Leave of absence was also granted to Sen. the Hon. Randall Mitchell. Mr. Ndale Young and Ms. Yokymma Bethelmy were appointed to replace Senators Kangaloo and Mitchell during their absence.
Three Papers were laid. See the Order Paper and Supplemental Order Paper.
The Minister of Rural Development and Local Government moved the second reading of the Miscellaneous Provisions (Local Government Reform) Bill, 2020. Eight Members made contributions before debate was suspended.
Senator Wade Mark raised as a matter on the Motion for the Adjournment of the Senate, the need for the Government to explain the decision by the Management and Board of Directors of TSTT to send home its entire complement of estate police guards and have same replaced by private security. The Minister of Public Utilities responded.
At the next Sitting, debate is expected to resume on the Miscellaneous Provisions (Local Government Reform) Bill, 2020. The Sitting ended at 7:59 p.m.