28th Sitting of the House of Representatives
2nd Session - 9th Republican Parliament
Correspondence from the President of the Senate on the Appointment of Senators to the Joint Select Committee established to consider and report on The Local Govenment Bill, 2009
The Speaker advised that Mr. Rennie Dumas, Member for Tobago East resigned from the Joint Select Committee appointed to consider and report on the Local Government Bill, 2009.
The Standing Orders Committee is not properly constituted. Apart from the Speaker who is Chairman there are three(3) Government Members and three(3) Opposition Members. This composition is not in accordance with the rule to be found in Standing Order 78(1).
Three Papers were laid two in the name the Minister of Public Administration and one in the name of the Minister of Information. See the Supplemental Order Paper for details.
13 Questions also qualify for written answer. See Appendix I of the Order Paper.
7 Questions qualify for Oral Answer. One question was answered and six deferred. See Order Paper
The Minister of Community Development made a statement on the matters related to Beauty Pagentry business in Trinidad and Tobago.
The Minister of Information made a Statement on the Eighty-Ninth Report of the Salaries Review Commission on a General Review of the Salaries and Other Conditions of Offices within the Purview of the Commission.
Mrs. Christine Kangaloo would replace Mr. Rennie Dumas in the Joint Select Committee – Local Government Bill, 2009
The Minister of Works and Transport responded to the second announcement by the Speaker indicating that the eighth member of the Committee for Standing Orders Committee will be Mr. Neil Parsanlal.
The Minister of Health moved the second reading of the Emergency Ambulance Services and Emergency Medical Personnel Bill, 2009, which was passed in the Senate on 16 June 2009. The Bill was then considered in Committee and passed with ammendments.
The Minister of Public Utilities moved the Second Reading of the Trinidad and Tobago Electricity Commission (Amendment) Bill, 2009, which was passed in the Senate on June 2, 2009.
The need for the Hon. Prime Minister to assure the House of Representatives that the Report of the Commission of Enquiry into UDECOTT (UFF Commission) would be laid in the House of Representatives.â€
At its next sitting the House will complete debate on the Trinidad and Tobago Electricity Commission (Amendment) Bill, 2009, and consider a motion to deal with the adoption of The Eighty-Ninth Report of the Salaries Review Commission see supplemental order paper. The sitting adjourned at 12:55a.m.