28th Sitting of the House of Representatives
1st Session - 10th Republican Parliament
The Speaker granted leave of absence to the Member for St. Augustine for the period February 1-8, 2011.
The Speaker read a letter from the President of the Senate indicating the decision of the Senate to establish a Joint Select Committee on legislative proposals to amend the Prevention of Corruption Act.
The Speaker ruled on the matter of Privilege raised by the Member for Diego Martin West against the member for D’Abadie/O’Meara.
The Member for Chaguanas East raised a Petition on behalf of the Association of Real Estate Agents (AREA), who are seeking incorporation through an Act of Parliament. Leave was granted for the petitioners to proceed.
Six Papers were laid. See the Order Paper and Supplemental Order Paper.
The Member for Caroni East presented an interim report of the Joint Select Committee on Legislative Proposals on Public Procurement and on the Repealing and Replacing of the Central Tenders Board Act.
Five Questions qualify for oral answer. All five questions were answered. See the Order Paper.
The Minister of Housing and the Environment made a statement in response to media coverage on the High Court decision on the actions of the Land Settlement Agency.
The Prime Minister made a statement in the House on the Government’s handling of the appointment of a director of the Strategic Services Agency.
The Way of Trinidad and Tobago (Incorporation) Bill, 2010 was read a first time in the House of Representatives.
The Minister in the Office of the Prime Minister moved the second reading of the Data Protection Bill, 2011. The Member for Point Fortin was first to respond, followed by the Member for Arima and the Member for Diego Martin North/East. Five members made contributions before the Minister rose to conclude. The Bill was considered in Committee. The Committee Stage was eventually suspended until Friday February 11, 2011.
The Minister of Justice moved the second reading of the Miscellaneous Provisions (Ministry of Justice) Bill, 2011. The Leader of the Opposition made a brief intervention before the Minister of Justice rose to conclude. The Bill was then considered in Committee and passed without amendment. It was then read a third time and passed.
The Minister of Education moved a Motion to adopt the Interim Report of the Joint Select Committee appointed to consider the Legislative Proposal to provide for public procurement and disposal of public property together with the Legislative Proposal to repeal and replace the Central Tenders Board Act. The Leader of the Opposition made a brief intervention before the Minister rose to conclude. The Motion was approved and the report adopted.
At the next sitting, the House is expected to debate the Financial Intelligence Unit of Trinidad and Tobago (Amendment) Bill 2011. Time permitting, debate is expected to begin on the Electronic Transactions Bill, 2011. The sitting adjourned at 10:06 p.m.