27th Sitting of the Senate
1st Session - 10th Republican Parliament
The President granted leave of Absence to Sen. the Hon. Brig. John Sandy, Sen. the Hon. Therese Baptiste Cornelis, Sen. Corinne Baptiste-McKnight and Sen. Shamfa Cudjoe. Mr. Rabindra Moonan, Dr. Vidyha Gyan Tota-Maharaj and Mrs. Parvatee Anmolsingh-Mahabir were appointed to temporarily replace Senators Sandy, Baptiste-Cornelis and Baptiste-Mc Knight respectively.
One Paper was laid. See the Order Paper for details.
Two questions qualify for a written response (on or before March 8, 2011).
Sen. Subhas Ramhkehalawan moved a Private Motion which asks the Senate to pursue the process of Constitutional reform via a series of amendments addressing specific areas of concerns, and to communicate the rationale for each amendment to the citizens of Trinidad and Tobago prior to debate in the Parliament. Sen. Lyndira Oudit was the first to respond to the motion, followed by Sen. Helen Drayton and the maiden contribution of Sen. Rabindra Moonan.
At the next sitting, debate is expected to continue on the Miscellaneous Provisions (Kidnapping and Bail) Bill, 2010, and begin on the Miscellaneous Provisions (Remand) Bill, 2010. The sitting adjourned at 4:32 p.m.