27th Sitting of the Senate
4th Session - 12th Republican Parliament
The President granted leave of absence to Senators Laurence Hislop, Anil Roberts, Dr. Maria Dillon-Remy and Dr. Sharda Patasar. Mr. Vyash Nandlal, Dr. Tim Gopeesingh, Mr. Francis Lewis and Mr. Josh Drayton were appointed temporarily to replace Senators Hislop, Roberts, Dillon-Remy and Patasar respectively.
71 Papers were laid. See the Order Paper and Supplemental Order Paper.
There are four Questions on Notice listed on the Order Paper.
The Leader of Government Business moved that the Shipping Bill, 2020 be resumed in the 5th Session. The Senate agreed.
Debate resumed on the Miscellaneous Provisions (Judicial and Legal Service) Bill, 2024. Sen. Anthony Vieira was first to resume debate, followed by the Minister of Public Administration. Eight Members spoke on this day before the Attorney General rose to wind up the debate. The Bill was then referred to a Committee of the Whole to be considered clause by clause, where it was approved without amendment. The bill was later read a third time and passed. A division was taken at third reading, the result of which was 22 for, five against, one abstention.
Senator Anthony Vieira raised as a matter on the motion for the adjournment of the House, the need for the Government to provide support to Haiti to rebuild its institutions, infrastructure and environment, in alignment with this country’s global commitments to human rights, poverty reduction and sustainable development. The Leader of Government Business responded.
Senator Wade Mark raised as a matter on the Motion for the Adjournment of the Senate, the need to formulate new strategies to address this country’s high murder rate caused by the ongoing increase in criminal activity. The Minister of National Security responded.
The Sitting ended at 4:10 p.m.