27th Sitting of the House of Representatives
2nd Session - 9th Republican Parliament
The Speaker read into the record a letter from the President of the Senate informing the House of the resolution of the Senate to appoint a Joint Select Committee to consider the Local Government Bill, 2009.
The Metrology (Amendment) Bill, 2009, which was passed in the Senate on Tuesday June 7, 2009, was read a first time in the House of Representatives. The Bill is in the name of the Minister of Trade and Industry and Minister in the Ministry of Finance.
The First Report of the Public Accounts (Enterprises) Committee for the 2007/2008 Session of the Ninth Parliament was laid by the Member for Caroni Central.
Nine Questions qualify for Oral Answer. Two questions (33,59) were answered and the rest deferred. See the Order Paper.
13 Questions also qualify for written answer. See Appendix I of the Order Paper.
The Minister of Finance moved the second reading of the Securities Bill, 2009. Seven members made interventions before the Minister rose to conclude the debate. A division was taken at the second reading, the result of which was 26 for, 13 abstentions. The Bill was then considered in Committee and passed without amendment. Since the Bill required a three-fifths majority in order to be passed, a division was taken at the third reading, the result of which was 26 for, 13 abstentions, none against. The Bill was therefore passed with the requisite majority.
The Member for Caroni Central moved as a Matter on the Motion for the Adjournment of the House, “the need for the government to put measures in place, as a matter of urgency to access the Grant Fund from the European Union in order to benefit the thousands of ex-cane farmers.” The Minister of Finance responded.
At its next sitting the House will debate the Emergency Ambulance Services and Emergency Medical Personnel Bill, 2009. Time permitting, the House will also debate the Trinidad and Tobago Electricity Commission (Amendment) Bill, 2009. Before adjourning the Leader of the House moved that the Standing Orders of the House be referred to the Standing Orders Committee of the House. Leave was granted. The sitting adjourned at 9:10 p.m.