

25th Sitting of the Senate

5th Session - 10th Republican Parliament

Tuesday 21 April, 2015
10:30 AM
Announcements By The President/Vice-President
Leave of Absence and Thank You

The President of the Senate granted leave of absence to Sen. James Lambert and Sen. Elton Prescott, SC. Ms. Ashaki Scott and Dr. Kriyaan Singh were appointed to temporarily replace Senators Lambert and Prescott respectively during their absence from Trinidad and Tobago. The President also indicated that Mrs. Barbara Carter thanked the Senate for their kind letter sent on the occasion of the passing of her husband, former President of the Senate Joseph Emmanuel Carter.

Four Papers

Four Papers were laid. See the Order Paper.

Introduction Of Bills
The Insurance Bill, 2015

The Insurance Bill, 2015 was introduced in the name of the Minister of Finance and the Economy, who moved that the next stage of the Bill be taken at a sitting of the Senate to be held on Tuesday May 05, 2015). The Senate agreed.

Government Business: Bills Second Reading
The Motor Vehicles and Road Traffic Bill, 2014

The Minister of Transport moved the second reading of the Motor Vehicles and Road Traffic Bill, 2014. Sen. Faris Al-Rawi was first to enter the debate, followed by Sen. Dr. Kriyaan Singh,the Minister of Food Production, Sen. Avinash Singh and Sen. Dr. Dhanayshar Mahabir. Debate on the Bill was then suspended.

Government Business: Bills Second Reading
The Precursor Chemicals (No.2) Bill, 2014

Debate resumed (from March 17, 2015) on the Precursor Chemicals (No.2) Bill, 2015, with the Attorney General concluding his wind up. The Bill was then referred to a Committee of the whole Senate, where it was approved with amendments. The Bill was then reported to the Senate, where it was read a third time and passed by a margin of 26 for, none against, no abstentions.

The Senate adjourned to Tuesday April 28, 2015 at 1:30 p.m.

At the next sitting debate is expected to resume on a Private Motion by Sen. Dr. Victor Wheeler on the Regional Health Authorities. The sitting ended at 8:23 p.m.