25th Sitting of the Senate
1st Session - 10th Republican Parliament
The President placed on the record the passing of the mothers of the Minister of Agriculture, Lands and Marine Affairs and the Clerk of the Senate, Mr. Neil Jaggassar. He indicated that an appropriate letter of condolence would be sent to both Minister Bharath and Mr. Jaggassar.
The Miscellaneous Provisions (Ministry of Justice) Bill, 2011, which was passed in the House of Representatives on February 4, 2011, was read a first time in the Senate.
Six Papers were laid. See the Order Paper and Supplemental Order Paper
The Parliamentary Secretary in the Ministry of Energy and Energy Affairs presented an interim report of the Joint Select Committee on Legislative Proposals on Public Procurement and on the Repealing and Replacing of the Central Tenders Board Act.
Four Questions qualify for oral response. Three Questions were answered. See the Order Paper.
Two Questions qualify for written response. See the Order Paper.
The Financial Intelligence Unit of Trinidad and Tobago (Amendment) Bill, 2011 and the Municipal Corporations (Pensions)(Amendment) Bill, 2011 were be introduced. The Attorney General sought and obtained leave to have the next stage of the first bill taken later in the proceedings.
The Parliamentary Secretary in the Ministry of Energy and Energy Affairs moved a Motion to adopt the Interim Report of the Joint Select Committee appointed to consider the Legislative Proposal to provide for public procurement and disposal of public property together with the Legislative Proposal to repeal and replace the Central Tenders Board Act. Senator Faris Al Rawi made a brief intervention, followed by Sen. David Abdulah. The Motion was later approved.
The Attorney General moved the second reading of the Financial Intelligence Unit of Trinidad and Tobago (Amendment) Bill, 2011. Sen. Terrence Deyalsingh was first to respond, followed by Sen. Basharat Ali and the Parliamentary Secretary in the Ministry of Energy and Energy Affairs. 15 Senators made contributions before the Attorney General rose to conclude. The Bill was considered in Committee and passed with amendment. It was then read a third time and passed.
At the next sitting debate is expected on the Statutory Authorities (Amendment) Bill, 2010.