25th Sitting of the House of Representatives
2nd Session - 9th Republican Parliament
The Speaker granted Leave of Absence to the Member for D’Abadie/O’Meara (2-8 July), Point Fortin (today) and Pointe-a-Pierre (3-11 July).
Seven Papers were laid. See the Order Paper and Supplemental Order Paper.
Two Reports were presented. Both are in the name of the Minister of Works and Transport and Member for Diego Martin North/East.
Nine Questions qualify for oral answer. Two Questions (81,92) were answered and the rest deferred for two weeks. See the Order Paper.
14 Questions qualify for written answer. See the Order Paper.
The Minister of Information raised as a matter of privilege the issue of premature publication of evidence, in a daily newspaper, of the deliberations of the Committee of Privileges. The Speaker ruled that a prima facie case had been made out, and referred the matter to the Committee of Privileges for consideration.
The Minister of Local Government made a Statement on the Papers and legislation related to Local Government reform which were laid in the House.
The Local Government Bill, 2009 and the Municipal Corporations (Amendment) Bill, 2009 were introduced. Both Bills are in the name of the Minister of Local Government. The Leader of the House sought leave to have both Bills debated on Monday July 6, 2009. Leave was granted.
The Minister of Public Administration moved the Second Reading of the President’s Emoluments (Amendment) Bill, 2009. Eight Members made interventions before the Minister rose to conclude the debate. The Bill was considered in Committee and passed with amendment. The Bill was then read a third time and passed.
The Member for Caroni East raised the matter of “the failure of the Minister of Sport and Youth Affairs to provide an acceptable explanation and apology to the citizens of Trinidad and Tobago, Caribbean Governments, Caribbean National Olympic Committees, Commonwealth Games Association and nearly 3000 athletes and officials from 40 countries for the unjustifiable and arbitrary cancellation of the first Caribbean Games schedule for July 12th – 19th and also the failure to provide information on the status of the upcoming Pan American Games.” The Minister of Sport and Youth Affairs responded.
At its next sitting debate is expected to begin on the Local Government Bill, 2009 and the Municipal Corporations (Amendment) Bill, 2009. The sitting adjourned at 7:59 p.m.