25th Sitting of the House of Representatives
1st Session - 9th Republican Parliament
The Speaker granted leave of absence from sittings of the House to the following members: Mr. Jack Warner, MP [Chaguanas West] (27 June-2 July, 2008), Mr. Chandresh Sharma, MP [Fyzabad] (today), Mr. Nizam Baksh, MP [Naparima] (today) and Dr. Keith Rowley, MP [Diego Martin West] (26 June-17 July, 2008).
35 Questions qualify for oral answer. The Leader of the House (Hon. Colm Imbert, MP) indicated that the Government was prepared to answer ten questions (74, 96, 115, 118, 125, 126, 136, 140, 141 and 158). All other questions were deferred for two weeks. See the Order Paper for details.
18 Questions qualify for written answer. The Leader of the House indicated that the Government had answers ready for Questions 93, 132 and 142. See the Order Paper for details.
Two Matters were raised under this Standing Order. First, the Member for Caroni Central sought leave to raise the issue of the robbery of four employees of TSTT by armed gunmen. Second, the Member for Princes Town North sought to raise the issue of the demolition of poor people’s homes in Scale Road, Williamsville. In both cases the Speaker indicated that the matters did not qualify under Standing Order 12, but would have qualified under Standing Order 11 (Matter on the Adjournment).
Debate resumed (from June 6, 2008) on a Private Motion by the Member for Cumuto/Manzanilla (Mr. Harry Partap, MP) on containing high food prices. The Minister of Information and Member for Lopinot/Bon Air West (Hon. Neil Parsanlal, MP) resumed his contribution. He was followed by the Member for Siparia (Mrs. Kamla Persad-Bissessar, MP), the Minister of Labour and Member for Tobago East(Hon. Rennie Dumas, MP. Following this, the Leader of the House moved that in accordance with the relevant Standing Orders, the House continue to sit until the completion of the Matters on the Adjournment.
The Member for Caroni East raised the issue of airborne and waterborne chemical and toxic effects from the Guanapo dump site in Arima. The Minister of State in the Ministry of Planning, Housing and the Environment (Sen. the Hon. Tina Gronlund-Nunez) responded.
At the next sitting of the House of Representatives, debate is expected to begin on the Accreditation Council of Trinidad and Tobago (Amendment) Bill, 2008. The Bill is in the name of the Minister of Science, Technology and Tertiary Education (Hon. Christine Kangaloo, MP)