

23rd Sitting of the Senate

5th Session - 10th Republican Parliament

Tuesday 31 March, 2015
10:30 AM
Announcements By The President/Vice-President
Leave of Absence and Appointment of Senators

The Vice-President informed the Senate that the President of the Senate was acting as President of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. The Vice-President also announced the following temporary appointments:

Ms. Keitha Smith for the President of the Senate
Mr. Larry Lalla for Sen. Larry Howai
Rev. Barbara Burke for Sen the Hon. Gerald Hadeed
Mr. Wayne Sturge for Sen. the Hon. Kwasi Mutema
Mr. Fiztgerald Hinds for Sen. Faris al-Rawi
Mr. Taurel Shrikissoon for Sen. Dr. Rolph Balgobin
Dr. Aysha Edwards for Sen. H.R. Ian Roach, and
Dr. Kriyaan Singh for Sen. Anthony Vieira.

Bills Brought From The House Of Representatives
The Motor Vehicles and Road Traffic Bill, 2014
Two Papers

There are two Papers to be laid. See the Order Paper.

Presentation Of Reports From Select Committees
One Report

One Report, the Twelfth Report of the Joint Select Committee on Ministries (Group 1), and on the Statutory Authorities and State Enterprises falling under their purview on the administration and operations of the Police Complaints Authority (PCA), was presented. See the Order Paper.

Questions To Ministers: Oral Answer
11 Questions

11 Questions qualify for oral answer. See the Order Paper.

Government Business: Bills Second Reading
The Bail (Amendment) Bill, 2015

The Attorney General moved the second reading of the Bail (Amendment) Bill, 2015. Sen. Fitzgerald Hinds was first to enter the debate, followed by Sen. Helen Drayton and Sen. Larry Lalla. Eight Senators made contributions before the Attorney General rose to conclude the debate. The Bill was then referred to a Committee of the whole Senate, where is was considered and approved without amendment. A division was taken on the third reading, the result of which was 27 for, 3 against, no abstentions. The Bill was passed with the requisite three-fifths majority.

Committee Business: Motions
Adopt the Report of the Standing Orders Committee

The Leader of Government moved a Motion asking the Senate to adopt the Report of the Standing Orders Committee of the Senate, Fifth Session (2014/2015), Tenth Parliament. Sen. Camille Robinson-Regis was first to enter the debate, followed by Sen. Dr. Victor Wheeler. The Leader of Government Business then responded. The Motion was approved.

The Senate adjourned to Tuesday April 14, 2015 at 10:30 a.m.

The Senate adjourned to Tuesday April 14, 2015 at 10:30 a.m. Before adjourning, Senator the Honourable Brent Sancho, Senator Camille Robinson-Regis, Senator Rev. Joy Abdul-Mohan and the Vice-President extended Easter greetings to the national community.