23rd Sitting of the Senate
2nd Session - 11th Republican Parliament
Leave of absence was granted to Sen. David Small and Sen. H.R. Ian Roach who are both out of the country. Mr. Albert Sydney and Pastor Clive Dottin were appointed to replace these Senators in their absence.
Temporary Senators Mr. Albert Sydney and Pastor Clive Dottin took their oaths of allegiance.
One Paper was laid in the name of the Minister of Finance. See Order Paper for details.
Three questions qualified for oral answer. See Order Paper for details.
Sen. the Hon. Jennifer Baptiste-Primus moved the 2nd reaidng of the Fire Service (Amendment) Bill, 2017 which was passed in the House of Representatives on April 21, 2017. Debate then began on the bill. The Bill was read a third time and passed.
Prior to the adjournment of the Sitting, the Senate brought greetings to the nation on the celebration of the occasion of Indian Arrival Day. The Sitting concluded at 7:28 p.m. The Senate adjourned to Thursday June 1, 2017 at 2:30 p.m.