22nd Sitting of the Senate
3rd Session - 10th Republican Parliament
Five Papers were laid. See the Order Paper.
Eight Questions qualified for oral answer. See the Order Paper.
Two Statements were made, one by the Minister of Planning and Sustainable Development and the other by the Minister of Food Production.
One Bill was introduced, The Insurance Bill, 2013, which is in the name of the Minister of Finance and the Economy.
Debate resumed on a Private Motion by Sen. Fitzgerald Hinds asking the Government to re-affirm its commitment to the principles and the practice of democracy in Trinidad and Tobago. Sen. Corinne Baptiste McKnight was the first to contribute, followed by the Minister of Planning and the Economy and Sen. Faris Al-Rawi. Debate on the Motion was then suspended.
At the next sitting debate is expected on the Customs (Amendment) Bill, 2013. Before adjourning tributes were extended to the national community on the occasion of Corpus Cristi and Indian Arrival Day.