22nd Sitting of the House of Representatives
4th Session - 12th Republican Parliament
The Speaker granted leave of absence to the Member for Tunapuna (May 24-June 3) and the Members for Siparia and Mayaro (today’s sitting).
The Speaker also recognised the presence in the Chamber of Senator the Honourable Alvina Reynolds, President of the Senate of the St. Lucia Parliament, and students of the Caribbean Union College.
Ten papers were laid. See the Order Paper and Supplemental Order Paper.
Eight Prime Minister’s Questions were approved for oral answer. The Leader of the House sought leave to have the questions deferred. See the Order Paper.
One urgent question was approved for oral answer. See the Order Paper.
There is one Question on Notice listed on the Order Paper. The question was answered.
Debate resumed (from Friday April 26, 2024) on a Private Motion by the Member for Caroni East asking the House to call on Government to implement measures to immediately improve the delivery of healthcare services to the people of Trinidad and Tobago and to address mismanagement in the healthcare sector. During Mr. Manning’s contribution, the debate was suspended briefly to revert to the laying of papers and statements by Ministers. The debate resumed subsequently. Six members contributed to the debate before the adjournment of the House.
The Minister of Finance, Hon. Colm Imbert, MP, made a statement regarding laying the Auditor General’s Report of the Public Accounts of Trinidad and Tobago for 2023.
The House brought greetings to the nation on the upcoming celebrations of Corpus Christi and Indian Arrival Day.
The Sitting concluded at 6:19 p.m.