21st Sitting of the House of Representatives
5th Session - 10th Republican Parliament
The Speaker granted leave of absence to the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Member for San Fernando East.
Four Papers were laid. See the Order Paper.
Four Questions qualify for oral response. See the Order Paper.
The Member for Diego Martin Central moved as a definite matter, the lack of provision of antibiotics to treat with syphilis. The Speaker advised that this matter would best be dealt with as a Matter on the Adjournment.
The Member for Chaguanas West moved a Private Motion asking the House to express its lack of confidence in Mr. Wade Mark as Speaker of the House. The Leader of the House and Minister of Housing and Urban Development was first to enter the debate, followed by the Leader of the Opposition and the Minister of Science and Technology. Nine members made contributions before the Member for Chaguanas West rose to conclude. When the question was put, a division was taken, the result of which was 12 members voting for, 21 against and no abstentions. The Motion was defeated.
The Member for Diego Martin North/East raised the following matter on the motion for the adjournment of the House, “The traffic congestion that will result from a decision of the Ministry of Planning and Sustainable Development to approve the use of a building at #129 Long Circular Road in Maraval for the operation of a school.” The Leader of the House indicated that the Minister of Planning and Sustainable Development would reply at a subsequent sitting.
At the next sitting, debate is expected to continue on the Motor Vehicles and Road Traffic Bill, 2014. The sitting ended at 8:45 p.m.