

1st Sitting of the Senate

1st Session - 9th Republican Parliament

Monday 17 December, 2007
10:00 AM
A Proclamation

The Clerk of the Senate read the proclamation declaring the First Session of the 9th Parliament of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago open.

Election of PRESIDENT of The Senate
Senator Danny Montano elected President of the Senate

Senator Danny Montano was elected President of the Senate and took the Chair.

Election of Vice-President of The Senate
Senator George Hadeed elected Vice-President of the Senate

Senator George Hadeed was elected Vice-President of the Senate and took the oath of office.

Oath Of Allegiance Of A New Member
Members take the Oath of Office

All Members (other than the President of the Senate and Vice-President of the Senate) took the oath of office. Senator Cindy Devika Sharma was not present to take the oath of office.

Announcements By The President/Vice-President
President wishes to address Parliament

The President of the Senate announced that His Excellency the President of the Republic wished to address both Houses of Parliament assembled together.
The President then suspended the sitting of the Senate.

Address by the President
His Excellency addresses both Houses of Parliament

His Excellency Professor George Maxwell Richards addressed both Houses assembled together.

The Senate adjourned to a date to be fixed

Before adjourning, Senator Conrad Enill, Wade Mark, Ramesh Deosaran and Danny Montano made brief statements congratulating all Senators on their appointments.