

1st Sitting of the Senate

1st Session - 10th Republican Parliament

Friday 18 June, 2010
1:30 PM
A Proclamation
The Clerk of the Senate will read the Proclamation

The Clerk of the Senate will read the Proclamation by His Excellency the President indicating the commencement of the First Session of the Tenth Parliament of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago.

Election of President of The Senate
Mr. Timothy Hamel-Smith is elected President of the Senate
Election of Vice-President of The Senate
Mrs. Lyndira Oudit is elected Vice-President of the Senate
Oath Of Allegiance Of A New Member
All Members take and subscribe to the oath of allegiance
Announcements By The President/Vice-President
His Excellency to address both Houses
Address by the President
President Addresses both Houses
The Senate adjourned to a date to be fixed