19th Sitting of the Senate
4th Session - 12th Republican Parliament
Three questions qualified for oral answer. All questions were answered. See Order Paper.
The Attorney General, Sen. the Hon. Reginald Armour, S.C., moved the second reading of The ICC Men’s T20 Cricket World Cup 2024 Bill, 2024. Debate began on the bill. Ten senators contributed to the debate before the wind up by the Attorney General. The bill was committed to a Committee of the Whole Senate for consideration clause by clause. The bill was approved with amendments. With 23 votes for, 0 votes against and 6 abstentions, the Bill was read a third time and passed.
Sen. Wade Mark raised a matter on the adjournment namely the need for the Government to provide a status report on this country’s accession to the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime. The Minister of Foreign and CARICOM Affairs, Sen. the Hon. Dr. Amery Browne, responded.
The Sitting concluded at 8:26 p.m.