19th Sitting of the House of Representatives
1st Session - 10th Republican Parliament
The Speaker granted Leave of Absence to the Members for Point Fortin and St. Ann’s East (out of the country) and to the Members for Port of Spain North/St. Ann’s West and Laventille East/Morvant (illness).
The Speaker ruled on the Matter of Privilege raised by the Member for Chaguanas West on Wednesday November 24, 2010. The Speaker ruled that a prima facie case had been made out and referred the matter to the Committee of Privileges for consideration and report.
Two Papers were laid. See the Order Paper.
One Bill, The Ecclesiastical Council of Spiritual Baptist Churches of Trinidad and Tobago (Incorporation) Bill, 2010, was introduced. The Speaker of the House moved that the Bill be read a first time. Leave was granted.
Debate resumed on the Interception of Communications Bill, 2010. The Minister of Education was first to enter the debate, followed by the MP for Port-of-Spain South and the Prime Minister. The Minister of National Security then rose to conclude the debate. The Bill was considered in Committee and passed with amendments. A division was taken on the third reading, the result of which was 35 for, none against, no abstentions.
The Minister of Housing and the Environment moved the Second Reading of the Land Tenants (Security of Tenure)(Amendment) Bill, 2010. The Member for Diego Martin North/East was first to enter the debate. The Member for Diego Martin North East made a brief intervention before the Minister rose to conclude. The Bill was then considered in Committee and passed without amendment. It was then read a third time and passed. The result of the division at Third Reading was 35 for, none against, no abstentions.
The Member for Diego Martin Central raised a matter on the Adjournment concerning the involvement of the state as a cosponsor of a recent concert. The Minister of Sport and Youth Affairs responded.
The Member for Diego Martin North/East raised as a matter on the adjournment, “the apparent dismantling and/or undermining by the Government of national security agencies, systems and strategies, such as the SAUTT, the SIA, intelligence gathering and the drug interdiction effort.â€
At the next sitting of the House of Representatives debate is expected to begin on the Anti-Gang Bill, 2010. Time permitting, debate is expected to begin on the Bail (Amendment) Bill, 2010.