18th Sitting of the Senate
1st Session - 11th Republican Parliament
Leave of Absence was granted to Government Senator Daniel Dookie and Independent Senator David Small.
Temporary Senators, Rohan Sinanan and Justin Junkere were appointed in place of Senators Dookie and Small respectively. Both temporary Senators took their oaths of allegiance.
Five Questions qualified for oral answer. Four questions were answered. A deferral to the answer for question #47 was granted for two weeks. See the Order Paper for details.
Debate resumed on the Strategic Srevices Agency (Amendment) Bill, 2016. The Bill was moved to the Committee Stage and considered clause by clause and was approved without amendments. The Bill was read for a third time and passed.
Senator Wade Mark raised as a matter on the adjournment, the issue of a possible conflict of interest at the Eastern Regional Health Authority in respect of the appointment of a particular board member. The Minister of Health responded.
Senator Wade Mark raised another matter on the unfair dismissal of several workers of the SSA on instruction by the Minister of National Security. Hon. Edmund Dillon responded.
The Sitting concluded at 11:51 p.m. and adjourned to a date to be fixed.