17th Sitting of the House of Representatives
2nd Session - 9th Republican Parliament
The Speaker granted leave of absence to the Member for Mayaro (4-20 May, 2009), Naparima, La Brea and Diego Martin West (today’s sitting).
The Minister of Finance laid one paper, which was referred to the Public Accounts (Enterprises) Committee.
Permission was granted for two Personal Explanations to be heard. First, the Minister of Works and Transport made a personal explanation in response to allegations made against him in the House on Friday May 1, 2009. Next, the Member for Siparia made a Personal Explanation in relation to statements attributed to her during her contribution on the Integrity in Public Life (Amendment) Bill, 2009.
Debate resumed (from Friday May 1, 2009) on the Integrity in Public Life (Amendment) Bill, 2009, with the Minister of Tourism being the first to contribute, followed by the Member for Oropouche East and the Minister of Labour and Small and Micro Enterprise Development. The Minister of Science, Technology and Tertiary Education then concluded the debate. The Bill was considered in Committee and passed with amendments. A division was taken at the third reading, the result of which was 23 for and 11 against.
Two Bills, The Proceeds of Crime (Amendment) Bill, 2009 and the the Financial Intelligence Unit of Trinidad and Tobago Bill, 2009, were introduced.
Before adjourning, the Member for Tabaquite raised one matter on the Motion for the adjournment of the House, “The need for Government to reconsider its policy in calculating the amount of money payable to Old Age Pensioners.” The Minister of Finance responded.
At its next sitting the House will continue debate on a Private Motion by the Member for Siparia which asks the House to express its loss of confidence in the Minister of Finance.