17th Sitting of the House of Representatives
1st Session - 9th Republican Parliament
The Speaker granted leave of absence to the Member for Lopinot/Bon Air West (Hon. Neil Parsanlal, MP), the Member for St. Augustine (Mr. Vasant Bharath, MP), the Member for Oropouche West (Ms. Mickela Panday) and the Member for the Member for Pointe-a-Pierre (Hon. Christine Kangaloo, MP)for today’s sitting. The Speaker also granted leave of absence to the Member for Naparima (Mr. Nizam Baksh, MP) for the period May 2 to May 8, 2008.
Five Papers were laid, three in the name of the Minister of Finance (two were referred to the Public Accounts Committee and one to the Public Accounts (Enterprises) Committee; one in the name of the Minister of Agriculture, Land and Marine Resources (Sen. the Hon. Arnold Piggott); and one in the name of the Minister of Local Government (Sen. the Hon. Hazel Manning). The latter two were laid by the Leader of the House. See the Order Paper and Supplemental Order Paper for details about the Papers.
38 Questions qualify for oral answer. The Leader of the House indicated that the Government was prepared to answer ten questions (23, 69, 73, 86, 99, 100, 102, 109, 110 and 113) and asked for a two week deferral on all other questions. In all, nine questions were answered by Sen. the Hon. Hazel Manning, Hon. Donna Cox, MP, Hon. Mustapha Abdul-Hamid, MP, Sen. the Hon. Jerry Narace, Hon. Fitzgerald Jeffrey, MP and Hon. Karen Nunez-Teshiera, MP. The response to Question 73 was circulated.
See the Order Paper for details of the Questions.
18 Questions qualify for written answer. The response to Question 91 was circulated. See the Order Paper for details of the Questions.
On the Supplemental Order Paper, The Children’s Authority (Amendment) Bill, 2008 and the Children’s Community Residences, Foster Homes and Nurseries (Amendment) Bill, 2008 are to be introduced. Both Bills are in the name of the Minister of Social Development (Hon. Dr. Amery Browne, MP) who is also the Member for Diego Martin Central.
The Member for Princes Town North (Mr. Subhas Panday, MP), Caroni East (Dr. Tim Gopeesingh, MP) and Tabaquite (Mr. Ramesh Lawrence Maharaj, SC, MP) each sought leave to raise the following matters as definite matters of urgent public importance:
- the inability of the Government to reduce the escalating murder rate (Princes Town North)
- the inability of the North Central Regional Health Authority to provide emergency health care due to a shortage of nursing staff (Caroni East)
- the threat of collapse of projects managed by the Urban Development Company of Trinidad and Tobago (UDECOTT) (Tabaquite)
The Speaker ruled that the matters did not qualify, but would have qualified under Standing Order 11. He also encouraged members to make use of Urgent Questions.
Debate resumed (from Friday February 22, 2008) on a private motion by the Member for Cumuto/Manzanilla (Mr. Harry Partap, MP) on containing rising food prices. The Member for Caroni East (Dr. Tim Gopeesingh, MP) continued his contribution. He was followed by the Minister of Finance and Member for D’Abadie/O’Meara (Hon. Karen Nunez-Teshiera, MP) and Member for Caroni Central (Dr. Hamza Rafeeq, MP), during whose contribution the debate was suspended.
The Leader of the House moved a procedural Motion to suspend Standing Order 10(2) to allow the Matters on the Adjournment to be taken without suspending for tea. Leave was granted. The Minister then moved that the House be adjourned.
The Member for Caroni Central raised the matter. The Minister of Agriculture, Land and Marine Resources responded.
The House adjourned to Friday May 9, 2008 at 1:30 p.m. On that occasion the House will continue debate on the Caribbean Court of Justice (Headquarters) Bill, 2008 and the Pensions (Amendment) Bill, 2008.