

16th Sitting of the Senate

4th Session - 10th Republican Parliament

Tuesday 25 February, 2014
1:30 PM
Announcements By The President/Vice-President
Leave of Absence

The President granted leave of absence to Sen. the Hon. Dr. Bhoendradatt Tewarie; Sen. the Hon. Vasant Bharath; and Sen. the Hon. Kevin Ramnarine who are out of the country. Mr. Nazeemool Mohammed, Mr. Wayne Sturge and Arch. Barbara Burke were appointed as temporary Senators during their absence.

Bills Brought From The House Of Representatives
The Nurses and Midwives Registration (Amendment) Bill, 2014

The Nurses and Midwives Registration (Amendment) Bill, 2014, which was passed in the House of Representatives on February 21, 2014, was read a first time in the Senate in the name of the Minister of Health.

5 Papers

5 Papers were laid in the Senate. See the Order Paper and Supplemental Order Paper.

Questions To Ministers: Oral Answer
Two Questions

Two Questions qualified for Oral Answer. Question number 53 was answered and the other was deferred for two weeks.

Private Business: Motions
Election Campaign Financing

Debate resumed on a Private Motion on Election Campaign Financing in the name of Senator Helen Drayton. Sen. the Hon. Devant Maharaj was the first to rejoin the debate followed by Sen. Avinash Singh, Sen. Dr. Rolph Balgobin, Sen. the Hon. Embau Moheni, Sen. Hugh Russell Ian Roach and Senator Elton Prescott, SC. Debate on the Motion was then suspended.

The Senate adjourned to Tuesday, 11th March 2013 at 1:30 p.m.

The Senate adjourned to Tuesday, 11th March 2013 at 1:30 p.m. when debate is expected on the Securities (Amendment) Bill, 2013. The sitting ended at 4:30 p.m.