15th Sitting of the Senate
3rd Session - 10th Republican Parliament
The President of the Senate granted leave of absence to Sen. the Hon. Larry Howai, Sen. Lyndira Oudit, Sen. Pennelope Beckles, Sen. Corinne Baptiste- McKnight and Sen. Prof. Harold Ramkissoon. Archbishop Barbara Gray-Burke, Mr. Don Sylvester, Mrs. Sherrie Ali, Mr. Hugh Russell Ian Roach and Mrs. Rhonda Parris-De Freitas were appointed to temporarily replace Senators Howai, Oudit, Beckles, Sylvester and Ramkissoon respectively.
The President of the Senate informed the Senate about the participation of several Senators at the 128th Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union in Quito, Ecuador. He encouraged Senators to participate in an online survey to register their views on the Millennium Development goals.
Sen. the Hon. Emmanuel George, Sen. Fitzgerald Hinds, Sen. Subhas Ramkhelawan and the President of the Senate paid tribute to former Senator and former Member of Parliament John Donaldson Jr., who passed away earlier in March. The Members of the Senate stood in silence for one minute as a mark of respect to Mr. Donaldson.
Six Papers were laid. See the Order Paper.
The Leader of Government Business in the Senate made a statement on the status of the drafting of Securities By-Laws and amendments to the Securities Act.
Debate resumed on a Private Motion by Sen. Fitzgerald Hinds which asks the Government to re-affirm its commitment to the principles and the practice of democracy in Trinidad and Tobago. The Minister of State in the Ministry of National Diversity and Social Integration was first to contribute, followed by Sen. Terrence Deyalsingh, Sen. Elton Prescott, SC and Sen. Dr. Lester Bernard.
At the next sitting, debate is expected to begin on the Miscellaneous Provisions (Defence and Police Complaints) Bill, 2013. Before adjourning, greetings were extended to the Hindu, Spiritual Shouter Baptist and Christian communities on the occasion of Phagwa (Holi), Spiritual Baptist Shouter Liberation Day and Easter.