15th Sitting of the Senate
2nd Session - 9th Republican Parliament
The Vice-President granted leave of absence to Sen. the Hon. Hazel Manning, Sen. the Hon. Arnold Piggott, and Sen. Dana Seetahal, SC. Ms. Anwarie Ramkisson, Mr. Foster Cummings and Mr. Brian Wood were appointed to temporarily replace Senators Manning, Piggott and Seetahal respectively.
Four Papers were laid by the Minister of Trade and Industry and Minister in the Ministry of Finance.
The Minister of Health presented the Report of the Special Select Committee of the Senate on the Emergency Ambulance Service and Emergency Medical Personnel Bill, 2009.
24 Questions qualify for oral answer. Seven Questions (27,38,42,48,49,92,93) were answered. See the Order Paper for details.
28Questions also qualify for written answer. See the Order Paper and Supplemental Order Paper for details.
The Evidence Amendment Bill, 2009 and the Evidence (Amendment)(No.2) Bill were introduced. Both Bills are in the name of the Attorney General.
The Attorney General moved the Second Reading of the Integrity in Public Life (Amendment) Bill, 2009, which was passed in the House of Representatives on Monday May 4, 2009. First to enter the debate was Senator Wade Mark, followed by Sen. Prof. Ramesh Deosaran, the Minister of Trade and Industry,the maiden contribution of Sen. Dr. Sharon-Ann Gopaul-Mc Nicol, Sen. Basharat Ali and Sen. Dr. Adesh Nanan. Debate on the Bill was then suspended.
At its next sitting the Senate will continue debate on the Integrity in Public Life (Amendment) Bill, 2009. The sitting ended at 5:45 p.m.