

15th Sitting of the Senate

1st Session - 9th Republican Parliament

Tuesday 29 April, 2008
1:30 PM
Questions To Ministers: Oral Answer
16 Questions qualify for oral answer

Three questions (19, 43 and 62) were answered by the Minister of National Security (Sen. the Hon. Martin Joseph). All other questions were deferred. See the Order Paper for details.

Questions To Ministers: Written Answer
Eight Questions qualify for written answer on the Order Paper

See the Order Paper for details.

Government Business: Motions
Appointment of Joint Select Committees

The Minister of Energy and Energy Industries and Leader of Government Business (Sen. the Hon. Conrad Enill) moved a Motion to appoint Senate Members to two oversight Joint Select Committees of Parliament.

He was followed in the debate by Sen. Wade Mark and Sen. Prof. Ramesh Deosaran. During the contribution of Senator Deosaran there was a power fluctuation in the Chamber that caused the sitting to be suspended for approximately 20 minutes. At the resumption Sen. Prof. Deosaran concluded his contribution, proposing several amendments that could be debated by subsequent speakers. The House then suspended for tea.

Following the tea break Sen. the Hon. Mariano Browne made his contribution, followed by Sen. Dr. Jennifer Kernahan, Sen. Basharat Ali, Sen. Subhas Ramkhelawan, Sen. Cindy Devika Sharma, Sen. Corinne Baptiste-McKnight, Sen. Dr. Carson Charles, Sen. Helen Drayton, Sen. the Hon. Bridgid Annisette-George, Sen. Mohammed Faisal Rahman, Sen. Gail Merhair (who proposed a further amendment to the one circulated by Sen. Prof. Deosaran)and Sen. Dr. Adesh Nanan (who proposed yet another amendment). In all 13 Senators made contributions before the Minister of Energy and Energy Industries began his conclusion.

Given the contributions, the Minister decided to suspend the debate pending consultation.

The Senate adjourned to Tuesday May 6, 2008 at 1:30 p.m.

The Senate adjourned to Tuesday May 6, 2008 at 1:30 p.m. On that occasion debate is expected to continue on the Motion to appoint Senators to the Joint Select Committees. Debate is then expected to begin on the Immigration (Advance Passenger Information) Bill, 2008, which was passed in the House of Representatives on Friday February 29, 2008. The Bill is in the name of the Minister of National Security (Sen. the Hon. Martin Joseph).