15th Sitting of the House of Representatives
2nd Session - 10th Republican Parliament
The Speaker granted leave of absence to the Member for Tunapuna, the Member for San Fernando East, the Member for Pointe-a-Pierre, the Member for Tabaquite and the Member for Siparia.
Tributes were paid in the House to a former Member, Dr. Cuthbert Joseph, who passed away on November 29, 2011. Tribute was paid by the Leader of the House, the Leader of the Opposition, the Minister of Education and the Speaker of the House.
The Speaker informed the House about upcoming activities related to the celebration of 50 years of Bicameralism in Trinidad and Tobago, specifically, the Interfaith Service to be held on Monday September 5, 2011, the lecture by Dr. Olabisi Kuboni to take place in Point Fortin on Wednesday December 7, 2011 and the gala event at which His Excellency the President has consented to give the feature address.
The Speaker informed the House that he had considered a request by Mr. Satnarayan Maharaj to have read into the record a reply to comments made in the House by the Member for Port-of-Spain North/St. Ann’s West. The Clerk was then instructed to read the statement of reply into the record of the House.
Twelve Papers were laid. See Order Paper for details.
Two Questions qualify for oral answer. Both questions were answered. See Order Paper for details.
The Minister of Justice moved the second reading of the Administration of Justice (Electronic Monitoring) Bill, 2011. The Member for Diego Martin North/East was first to respond.
The House adjourns to Friday December 9, 2011 at 1:30 p.m. where debate is expected to continue on the Administration of Justice (Electronic Monitoring) Bill, 2011.