14th Sitting of the House of Representatives
2nd Session - 10th Republican Parliament
The Speaker granted leave of absence to several Members which include the Hon. Collin Partap MP, Member for Cumuto/Manzanilla, the Hon. Prakash Ramadhar MP, Member for St. Augustine, Mrs. Joanne Thomas MP, Member for St. Anns East, Ms. Marlene McDonald, Member for Port of Spain South and Ms. Alicia Hospedales, Member for Arouca/Maloney.
The Speaker paid tribute to Mr. Neil Jaggassar, Clerk of the Senate, who will retire from the Public Service on November 26, 2011 after serving tirelessly and with a record of over 40 years of dedicated service to the people and the Parliament of Trinidad and Tobago.
Eleven papers were laid. See Order Paper for details.
Six Questions qualified for Oral Answer of which all were answered. See Order Paper.
The Honourable Minister of Finance made a statement providing a list of beneficial recommendations by the Government through proposed amendments on the current Insurance Act through the introduction of The Insurance Bill, 2011 during today’s sitting.
The Speaker moved the first reading of an Act for the Incorporation of an Association to be known as the Association of Real Estate Agents. The Insurance Bill, 2011, which is in the name of the Minister of Finance and The Administration of Justice (Electronic Monitoring) Bill, 2011 in the name of the Minister of Justice, was also read a first time.
Debate is expected to resume (from November 11, 2011) on a Private Motion by the Member for Port-of-Spain North/St. Ann’s West asking the Government to ensure that students receive all textbooks necessary for a sound education. The Member for La Brea, Mr. Fitzgerald Jeffrey began today’s debate with his contribution.
The Members of the House of Representatives made statements with respect to today’s observation of the United Nations’ (UN) International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women to raise public awareness of violence against women. The members also rose for a minute of silence.
The Member for Diego Martin North/East raised as a Matter on the Adjournment, “The failure of the Minister of Education to operationalise the Maraval Early Childhood Care and Education Centre”. The Minister of Education responded.
The Member for Diego Martin North/East raised as a Matter on the Adjournment, “The inordinate delay in commencement of Phases 2, 3 and 4 of the Diego Martin Highway Upgrade/Extension Project”. The Minister of Works and Infrastructure responded.
At the next sitting, debate is expected to begin on the Administration of Justice (Electronic Monitoring) Bill, 2011.