12th Sitting of the Senate
3rd Session - 10th Republican Parliament
The Vice-President informed the Senate that the President of the Senate was acting as President of the Republic. Archbishop Barbara Gray Burke was appointed to temporarily replace the President of the Senate during his absence from the Senate.
The Vice-President offered congratulations to Mr. Anthony Carmona, who was elected to be the next President of the Republic. The Vice-President also thanked the outgoing President, His Excellency Prof. George Maxwell Richards, whose term of office concludes on March 17, 2013.
Nine Papers were laid. See the Order Paper and Supplemental Order Paper.
Three Questions qualify for oral answer. One question was answered. See the Order Paper for details.
The Bill was read a first time in the name of the Minister of Transport.
The Minister of Trade, Industry and Investment moved the second reading of the Exchequer and Audit (Amendment) Bill, 2012. Sen. Faris Al-Rawi was first to enter the debate, followed by Sen. Subhas Ramkhelawan, Sen. Helen Drayton and Sen. Terrence Deyalsingh. Nine Senators made contributions before the Minister rose to conclude. The Bill was then considered in Committee and passed with amendments. It was then read a third time and passed.
At the next sitting, Private Business will take precedence. The sitting ended at 9:37 p.m.