11th Sitting of the Senate
3rd Session - 9th Republican Parliament
The President granted leave of absence to Sen. the Hon. Dr. Emily Gaynor Dick-Forde. Mr. Joel Primus was appointed to temporarily replace Sen. Dick-Forde during her absence from the Senate.
The President ruled on the matter of Privilege raised by Sen. Linus Rogers on March 16, 2010, that the issue be referred to the Committee of Privileges for consideration.
Four Questions qualify for oral answer. Two questions were answered. See the Order Paper.
Ten Questions qualify for written response. See the Order Paper.
The Minister in the Office of the Prime Minister made a statement on policy and governance issues in the construction sector.
sen. Gail Merhair moved a Private Motion which asks the Government to rename certain landmarks after former Presidents and Prime Ministers. Sen. Dr. Surujrattan Rambachan was first to enter the debate, followed by Sen. Dana Seetahal, SC and Sen. Helen Drayton. Some nine Senators made contributions before Sen. Merhair rose to conclude the debate. The Motion was approved subject to amendment.
Sen. Dr. Surujrattan raised as a matter on the adjournment, “the failure of the Minister of Planning, Housing and the Environment to take appropriate measures to deal with allegations of the existence of large scale corruption at the Housing Development Corporation.” The Minister of State in the Ministry of Planning, Housing and the Environment.
At its next sitting debate is expected to be concluded on the Civil Aviation (Amendment) Bill, 2010 and begin on the Trinidad and Tobago Revenue Authority Bill, 2010. The Leader of Government Business indicated the likelihood that the Senate would return on Wednesday March 31, 2010 to continue debate on the TTRA Bill and the Motor Vehicles and Road Traffic (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill, 2010.