10th Sitting of the Senate
3rd Session - 10th Republican Parliament
The President made a statement on several developments in ICT taking place in the Office of the Parliament as part of its 4-year ICT Strategic Plan. The plan was developed in collaboration with the European Union, the United Nations and the Caribbean Centre for Development Administration (CARICAD).
The Finance (Supplementation and Variation of Appropriation)(Financial Year 2012) Bill, 2013, which was passed in the House of Representatives on January 22, 2013 was read a first time in the Senate. The Minister of Finance and the Economy moved that the next stage of the Bill be taken later in the proceedings. Leave was granted. See the Supplemental Order Paper.
19 Papers to be laid. See the Order Paper.
Four reports were presented. See the Order Paper.
Nine questions qualified for oral answer. Six questions were answered (9,10,11,23,29,37) and the rest deferred for two weeks. See the Order Paper.
The Minister of Finance and the Economy moved the second reading of the Finance (Supplementation and Variation of Appropriation)(Financial Year 2012) Bill, 2013. Sen. Dr. Lester Henry was first to enter the debate followed by Sen. Corinne Baptiste-McKnight and the Minister of Works and Infrastructure. 12 Senators made contributions before the Minister of Finance and the Economy rose to conclude. The Bill was then read a third time and passed.
At the next sitting the Senate will consider the Finance Bill, 2013. The sitting ended at 9:41 p.m.